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[E] FFX6
[E] FFX6
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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i dont need steal i have everything i need (it wasn't me XD ) so if my little brother witch one not so good in english yet - just walk around and find some unlocked unprivated chest with some glass and it is a trap, so you, guys, just have too much users on your portal. you don't like them and not interested in their votes and hours online you are inventing baning traps but they ketch not professional greafers and stealers. you running antihacking screapts witch makes my building and digging slowly and every 30 seconds i say @#!&ing minetown ok i can play dig and build with them but traping?! with sights.... you are crazy just ban players randomly next time no, sorry, i understand a problem you are trying to fix that way but i don't like idea with unlocked unprivated unspelled chests with great funktion of baning players i think it is better for all of us for 3-5 first times just wright to mail about it then ban or JAIL how it was in UltimaOnline with lumberjacking. yeath =) 6400 of lumber to exit =)) ...and it was great to dig or chop with other f#@%ers and to tell what for are you here?... and if the player really idiot and don-t understand - ban. full idiot - delete account it will gives you real statistic of greafers and stealers just go and look my caves, and think again do i need to seriously steal something? don't use this baning mashines WITHOUT look for player-s world. it is not right.
over 12 years ago
Username: FFX6 When you were banned : unknown Person who banned you: unknown Reason you were banned: unknown Server: main just once i get stealing from grieftrap and i disconected from server. some weeks ago dont know wtf is this i dont greaf dont steal dont walking buildings other players at all i love antif@c4incheating screapts which helps me build alot so, thank u, please check my account it dont work. i can pay
over 12 years ago